Creating compelling ESG Governance narratives: a content marketer’s perspective

If you’re an ESG consultant, and if you’re not this article might not be relevant, you’re well-versed in the intricacies of Environmental, Social, and Governance factors. While the environmental and social aspects often grab headlines, the governance piece, though equally crucial, can sometimes be overlooked or underplayed. To effectively engage clients and prospective clients, it’s […]
The role of storytelling in ESG: How to make an impact with your brand message

For consultancies in the ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) space, the competition is fierce, and differentiation is essential. New firms are constantly entering the sector, attracted by high demand for a range of ESG consultancy services, and large players are expanding their own ESG offerings to capture this growing market. As the market becomes increasingly […]
What is a B2B customer story?

A customer story is a great tool to use if you’ve got a really well defined buyer persona, and a willing customer that’s a carbon copy. Here are a few thoughts on what this entails.
The key to B2B content marketing success? Start at the bottom

Are B2B marketers missing a trick by focuses too much on TOFU and MOFU content, and not enough on BOFU?
The power of content personalisation

My thoughts on personalising the content journey, even when you don’t know someone’s name. Marketing friends, do you see better results from personalised content, or is your more generic content just as effective?
Create a blog content strategy for your biz

A blog content strategy needs to start with a real life customer. Find out more in this blog post for B2B marketers.
Is your B2B content aligned with your buyer persona?

Here’s how to align your B2B content with your buyer personas and business objectives, and how to create your personas too.